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Manufacturing Facilities Location, Planning, and Design, Third Edition

Manufacturing Facilities Location, Planning, and Design, Third Edition

Manufacturing Facilities Location, Planning, and Design, Third Edition covers a wide range of topics crucial to the efficiency of a well-planned facility.Fierce global competition in manufacturing has made proficient facilities planning a mandatory issue in industrial engineering and technology. From plant layout and materials handling to quality function deployment and design considerations.

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Thoroughly updated and revised, the third edition of this classic volume provides the information and analytical tools necessary to move from product designs to production plans and then details all of the planning techniques needed to build a manufacturing facility where safety, efficiency, and profit are interdependent.

Manufacturing Facilities Location, Planning, and Design, Third Edition

  • Introduction.Manufacturing Facilities
  • Product Development
  • Automation
  • Production Charts and Systems
  • Requirements and Selection of Machines and Labor
  • Lean Manufacturing and Supply Chain
  • Building, Organization, Communications,.and Selected Support Requirements
  • Material Handling.Principles and Equipment Description
  • The Material Handling Equipment Selection
  • Material Handling Flow Lines, Grouping, and Packaging
  • Storage and Warehousing
  • Plant and Office Layout.Conventional Approach
  • Computer-Aided Plant Layout
  • Simultaneous Development of Plant Layout.and Material Handling
  • Plant Site Selection and Service (Support) Considerations
  • Computer-Integrated Manufacturing System
  • Basic Facility Location Problems
  • Location Analysis with Fixed Costs
  • Continuous Facility Location

Divided into two parts, the first section describes all the factors involved in setting up a manufacturing plant. It covers product design, the choice of manufacturing processes, and plant layout, as well as production, material-handling, and storage systems. The author also highlights the importance of the selection of labor resources.

The second part examines subjective aspects, such as how to maximize efficiency and save resources. It discusses how to choose the best location and how to assign customers to each facility to minimize the overall cost of operation. It also reviews the process of selecting sites for proximity to emergency service facilities, and explains how to determine the best layout within a building for tool rooms, materials, machining, shipping, inspection, and other departments.



Manufacturing Facilities Location, Planning, and Design, Third Edition

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