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Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles

Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles

In Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles Many people have described the genius of von Ohain in Germany and Whittle in the United Kingdom, in their parallel inventions of gas turbine jet propulsion; each developed an engine through to first flight. The best account of Whittle’s work is his Clayton lecture of 1946
[l]; vonOhain described his work later in
[2]. Their major invention was the turbojet engine, rather than the gas turbine, which they both adopted for their new propulsion engines. Feilden and Hawthorne
[3] describe Whittle’s early thinking in their excellent biographical memoir on Whittle for the Royal Society.

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Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles Content

  • PrefaceAdvanced Gas Turbine Cycles
  • Notation
  • A brief review of power generation thermodynamics
  • Reversibility and availability
  • Basic gas turbine cycles
  • Cycle efficiency with turbine cooling (cooling flow rates specified)
  • Full calculations of plant efficiency
  • The combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT)
  • Novel gas turbine cycles
  • The gas turbine as a co generation (combined heat and power) plant
  • APPENDIX A . Derivation of required cooling flows
  • APPENDIX B . Economics of gas turbine plants
  • Index

The idea for the turbojet did not come to Whittle suddenly, but over a period of some years: initially while he was a final year flight cadet at RAF Cranwell about 1928; subsequently as a pilot officer in a fighter squadron; and then finally while he was a pupil on a flying instructor’s course.. . . While involved in these duties Whittle continued to think about his ideas for high-speed high altitude flight. One scheme he considered was using a piston engine to drive a blower to produce a jet. He included the possibility of burning extra fuel in the jet pipe but finally had the idea of a gas turbine producing a propelling jet instead of driving a propeller”.


Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles

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