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Vapor Compression Heat Pumps with Refrigerant Mixtures

Vapor Compression Heat Pumps with Refrigerant Mixtures

In Vapor Compression Heat Pumps with Refrigerant Mixtures The authors strive to provide a comprehensive background and thorough understanding of the thermodynamics of working fluid mixtures and their applications in vapor compression systems. The information presented here is based on an extensive review of the literature and includes a considerable body of experience gained by the authors from over two decades of research in the laboratories of CEEE at the University of Maryland, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

Due to growing environmental awareness and resulting concerns, refrigerants — the working fluids for refrigeration systems, heat pumps and air conditioners — have gained considerable attention.

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The thermodynamics of mixtures is considerably more complex than that of pure fluids. This text  dedicated to introducing the thermodynamic theory and background of working fluid mixtures and their practical implementations. It discusses the opportunities and challenges and aims at providing the practicing engineer, as well as the aspiring engineering student, with all the necessary information to successfully design systems that take the best possible advantage of fluid mixtures. Emphasis  placed on practical experience from laboratory investigations.

On many occasions, a fluid needs to be cooled below the temperature of the surroundings. Examples are the production of chilled water or brine for air-conditioning and refrigeration purposes or the cooling of air to condition a space. In this context, the term “cooling” usually implies a certain quantity of energy  extracted from a fluid while reducing its temperature.

This energy  rejected to a second fluid at a higher temperature than that of the first fluid. For example, in a domestic refrigerator, energy  extracted from the air inside the cabinet, reducing its temperature and cooling the cabinet.


Vapor Compression Heat Pumps with Refrigerant Mixtures

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