Boilers A Practical Reference
Boilers A Practical Reference
There are around 550 key boiler words in Boilers A Practical Reference which are elaborated along with nearly the same number of illustrations in support. It was a revelation of a kind to learn that in these few words, almost the entire boiler technology can be covered. The book explains, broadly, the following topics:
- Almost the whole range of boilers and main auxiliaries, along with steam and gas turbines
- Traditional firing techniques like grates, oil/gas and PF and modern systems like FBC, Hrsg and so on
- Industrial, utility, waste heat, MSW and bio-fuel-fired boilers, including supercritical boilers
- The underlying scientific fundamentals of combustion, heat transfer, fluid flow and so on as relevant
- Basics of fuels, water, ash, high-temperature steels, structurals, refractory, insulation and so on
- Other engineering topics like boiler instruments, controls, welding, corrosion, wear and so on
- Air pollution, its abatement techniques and their effect on the design of boilers and auxiliaries
- Emerging technologies like carbon capture, oxy-fuel combustion, PFBC and so on
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Boilers A Practical Reference![Boilers A Practical Reference]()
The word ‘boiler’ means different things to different people. From a small device to heat domestic water to the gigantic generators producing steam at supercritical conditions in large power stations, all of them pass for boilers. However, to provide focus and bring out the personal expertise, this book restricts itself to water tube boilers as found in the process industries and power plants. This includes fired and unfired process waste heat boilers and those behind gas turbines. Specifically excluded are fire tube (except for a passing mention), marine and miniature boilers as well as the boilers for nuclear power plants.
The structure of the book is quite simple. Words are all explained alphabetically. This way, the reader gets the explanation for the word he is searching for and also sees all the related words and their explanations, getting to learn about the whole topic if so interested.
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