Job Training Mechanical Technician Course Valves

Job Training Mechanical Technician Course Valves

Valves Job Training Mechanical Technician Course   is the second phase of the development program. It is intended specifically for Mechanical Maintenance Developees. On completion of the Course the develop will have acquired an awareness of some of the equipment, terminology, and procedures related to mechanical maintenance of ADGAS LNG plant. Appropriate safety procedures will continue to be stressed at all times.

On completion of this module, the developee will be able to correctly :

  • Identify valve parts also state their functionsValves
  • Identify types of valves also describe their applications
  • Dismantle also re-assemble a valve
  • Perform lapping of valve seats
  • Perform static pressure testing of valves
  • Describe valve selection and also specification criteria
  • Describe typical valve faults also their repair

The above will be achieved through the following:

  • pre-test
  • Classroom instruction
  • Audio visual support
  • Site visit
  • Tasks & exercises
  • Post-test

Valves mentioned in the earlier module Pipework, where they listed with other pipe fittings. Because they are the most important part of any piping system, described more fully in this module.The gas liquefaction process uses a lot of valves. ADGAS uses many different types of valve in a large range of sizes.

You can also read Job Training Mechanical Technician Course Dynamic Seals

Valves control the flow of fluids through pipes by:

  • starting and stopping flow—to control process or isolate part of a pipeline
  • changing the flow rate—allowing more or less fluid to flow
  • re-directing flow from one line to another at a pipeline junction
  • allowing flow in one direction only
  • reducing fluid pressure
  • keeping the pressure in a container or pipeline below a fixed maximum
  • preventing accidents by relieving over pressure in a container or pipeline

It is very important to use the correct:

  • valve type—to suit the task it performs, as described above
  • size—to suit the pipe size and also the flow rate required
  • material—to suit the fluid passing through it and also to avoid corrosion


Job Training Mechanical Technician Course Valves

Job Training Mechanical Technician Course Valves

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