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Contracts And Arbitration For Managers

Contracts And Arbitration For Managers

Contracts And Arbitration For Managers deals with contracts and arbitration from a business perspective and is not meant for experts in con-tracts and the law of arbitration. It is also not a textbook on the subject of contracts and arbitration. It is meant for those professionals who are responsible for managing projects. Many a time, most of these professionals in a large number of companies, both private and government, are engineers, who are expected to work as managers by the top manage-ment. This entails thinking and delivering like managers. This is a tall order as most of the projects, or rather all, involve contracts and dispute resolution clauses, which even to the best of the managers look like Greek and Latin.

The book covers the following topics in different chapters—contracts, arbitration, institutional and ad hoc arbitration, liquidated damages (LD), force majeure, arbitration clause, mandate of an arbitrator, challenging an award, public policy and interest. Each chapter is not a watertight compartment. Issues flow from one chapter to another.

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Contracts And Arbitration For Managers Contents

  • List of Abbreviations Contracts And Arbitration For Managers
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Contracts
  • Arbitration
  • Institutional and Ad Hoc Arbitration
  • Liquidated Damages
  • Force Majeure
  • Arbitration Clause
  • Mandate of an Arbitrator
  • Challenging an Award
  • Public Policy
  • Interest
  • Epilogue
  • Appendix: Important Definitions
  • Notes
  • Glossary
  • About the Author

The book starts with an introductory chapter, which talks about a hypothetical story, ‘Bimal and Raman Construction Company’, and describes the relationship between business and contracts, and how companies may use the contractual clauses to avoid disputes. The story tells us about different issues involved in typical contracts and dispute resolution. It also touches upon dealing with the government. Most of these discussed in separate chapters with the help of landmark and interesting cases largely from the Supreme Court of India.


Contracts And Arbitration For Managers

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