Advanced Variable Air Volume VAV System Design Guide

Advanced Variable Air Volume VAV System Design Guide

The Advanced Variable Air Volume VAV System Design Guide (Design Guide) is written for Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) designers and focuses on built-up VAV systems in multi-story commercial office buildings in California.

The Design Guide recommendations include best practices for air side system design, covering fans, air handlers, ducts, terminal units, diffusers and controls, with emphasis on getting the air distribution system components to work together in an integrated fashion. Key topics critical to optimal VAV design and performance are addressed in the following chapters: 1) early design issues, 2) zone issues, 3) VAV box selection, 4) duct design, 5) supply air temperature reset, 5) fan type, size and control, 6) coils and filters, and 7) outdoor air, return air and exhaust air. The intent of the information is to promote efficient, practical designs that advance standard practice, achieve cost effective energy savings  implemented using current technology.

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Advanced Variable Air Volume VAV System Design Guide Content

Science project, a Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) program administered by the California Energy Commission and managed by the New Buildings Institute. Development of the second edition was managed by Pacific Gas & Electric as part of the Energy Design Resources program.

  • Highlights of new material added in the second edition include:Volume VAV System Design Guide
  • Additional guidance for simulating VAV system performance
  • Updates for 2008 version of Title 24
  • Added cost effectiveness analysis for demand controlled ventilation
  • Guidance on using window switches for integration with natural ventilation
  • Information on stability of VAV box controls at low flow
  • Updated guidance on use of electric reheat
  • The Updated supply air temperature control sequences
  • Updated supply air pressure reset control sequences
  • More information about dealing with rogue zones
  • Updated appendix with DOE2 fan curves
  • In addition eight new appendices added, covering the following topics:
  • VAV box minimum and maximum flows for two manufacturers
  • Modeling of different VAV control sequences
  • Energy savings estimates for demand control ventilation
  • Fan system model
  • Four-inch and odd-size VAV boxes
  • Zone demand based reset case studies


Advanced Variable Air Volume VAV System Design Guide

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