Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems with AutoCAD

Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems with AutoCAD

In Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems with AutoCAD course you will be able to design both firefighting and fire alarm system .Emergency and fire-protection systems are important to get right. This course covers the basics of creating detailed sprinkler and fire-alarm drawings for a variety of spaces, with AutoCAD. Start by adding custom display configurations and room tags that update automatically, and then quickly jump into creating fire piping and sprinkler heads. Finally, learn how to place fire-alarm devices, control panels, and conduit.

You can also watch AutoCAD 2017 Essential Training

Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems with AutoCAD Topics include:

  • Externally referencing architectureCreating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems with AutoCAD
  • Setting up display configurations
  • Adding room tags
  • Setting up routing preferences and systems
  • Adding piping and connectors
  • Adding fire-alarm devices and control panels


A fire sprinkler system is an active fire protection method, consisting of a water supply system, providing adequate pressure and flowrate to a water distribution piping system, onto which fire sprinklers are connected. Although historically only used in factories and large commercial buildings, systems for homes and small buildings are now available at a cost-effective price.

welcome to creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems with AutoCAD. In this course, we’ll look at how to configure display configurations and how to properly set up routing preferences as well as systems. I’ll start by showing you how to externally reference an architectural underlay and how to add your own room tags that will update automatically. Then I’ll show you how to add sprinklers, pipes, fittings, and how to tag these items to add intelligence to your model.

We’re gonna learn how to add fire alarm devices, control panels, conduit, and cable tray as well. We’ll be covering all these features plus plenty of other tools and techniques. Now let’s get started with Creating Sprinkler also Fire-Alarm Systems with AutoCAD.



Creating Sprinkler and Fire-Alarm Systems with AutoCAD

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