ASME PCC-2-2015 Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping

ASME PCC-2-2015 Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping

ASME PCC-2-2015 Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping  developed based on identified needs and the availability of volunteers. The PCC formed the Subcommittee on Inspection Planning and the Subcommittee on Flaw Evaluations in 1995. In 1998, a Task Group under the PCC began preparing Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly. 1999, the PCC formed the Subcommittee on Repair and Testing. In 2002, the Subcommittee on Flaw Evaluation was dissolved and replaced by the Joint ASME/API Committee on Fitness for Service. Other topics are under consideration and may be developed into future guideline documents.

None of these documents are Codes. They provide recognized and generally accepted good practices that may  used in conjunction with Post-Construction Codes, such as API 510, API 570, and NB-23, and with jurisdictional requirements.

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ASME PCC-2-2015 Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping

  • ForewordASME PCC-2-2015
  • Preparation of Technical Inquiries
  • Committee Roster
  • Correspondence With the PCC Committee
  • Summary of Changes
  • Scope, Organization, and Intent
  • Welded Repairs
  • Mechanical Repairs
  • Nonmetallic and Bonded Repairs
  • Examination and Testing

This Standard provides methods for repair of equipment and piping within the scope of ASME Pressure Technology Codes and Standards . These repair methods include relevant design, fabrication, examination, and testing practices and may be temporary or permanent, depending on the circumstances.

This Standard provides technical information, procedures, and recommendations for repair methods that determined by consensus to recognized and generally accepted good engineering practice. Where equipment repair is subject to jurisdictional regulation, jurisdictional approvals may  required.

The methods provided in this Standard address the repair of components when repair  deemed necessary based on appropriate inspection and flaw assessment. These inspection and flaw evaluation methods not covered in this Standard, but covered in other post-construction codes and standards.


ASME PCC-2-2015 Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping

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