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ASME A17.4-2015 Guide for Emergency Personnel

ASME A17.4-2015 Guide for Emergency Personnel

ASME A17.4-2015 Guide for Emergency Personnel. This guide originally developed as a result of a demand from many building owners, lessees, and operating managements needing guidance for the evacuation of passengers from stalled elevator cars. Today it has evolved to provide guidance for the evacuation of passengers from stalled elevator cars as well as firefighters’ service operating procedures.

Elevator personnel should also follow these procedures. However, due to their knowledge of elevator systems, they may utilize other procedures to safely evacuate passengers (e.g., move the car to a landing to allow egress through the elevator door).

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  • ForewordASME A17.4-2015 Guide for Emergency Personnel
  • Committee Roster
  • Evacuation Procedures
  • Firefighters’ Service Operating Procedures
  • Emergency/Standby Power Operation .
  • Nonmandatory Appendix Summary of Firefighters’ Emergency Operation

It is recommended that any evacuation of passengers from elevator cars performed under the direct supervision of elevator personnel, as their experience and expertise ensure the resourcefulness necessary to cope with the various complex hazards that may arise. However, in the event of an emergency, time may be of the essence in evacuating passengers, and waiting for elevator personnel may be impractical. Under emergency conditions, the passenger evacuation must  performed by personnel who carefully selected and trained as described in this Guide.

It  recommended that any evacuation of passengers from elevator cars be performed under the direct supervision of elevator personnel, as their experience and expertise ensure the resourcefulness necessary to cope with the various complex hazards that may arise. However, in the event of an emergency, time may be of the essence in evacuating passengers, and waiting for elevator personnel may be impractical. Under emergency conditions, the passenger evacuation must b performed by personnel who carefully selected and trained as described in this Guide.


ASME A17.4-2015 Guide for Emergency Personnel

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