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ASHRAE Commissioning Stakeholders’ Guide 2018

ASHRAE Commissioning Stakeholders’ Guide 2018

ASHRAE Commissioning Stakeholders’ Guide 2018 provides information, checklists, and sample documentation for users and participants in the application of the commissioning process. This guide is not intended to be a user’s manual for commissioning providers. It is intended to be used by stakeholders, including project developers and other participants such as members of the building community, Owners, architects, engi-neers, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, program administrators, and building officials.

Stakeholder/Participant Roles and Responsibilities

  • Commissioning DocumentsASHRAE Commissioning Stakeholders’ Guide 2018
  • Commissioning Team Members by Phase (Stum and Bjornskov 2017)
  • Owner’s Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
  • Architect’s Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
  • Design Engineer Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
  • Contractor/Construction Manager Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
  • Subcontractor and Installer Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
  • Manufacturer and Supplier Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
  • Commissioning Provider Roles and Responsibilities Checklist
  • LEED® or Program Administrator Roles and Responsibilities Checklist

Building System Selection for Commissioning

  • Commercial and Office Buildings—Systems to Commission
  • Medical Buildings and Hospitals—Systems to Commission
  • Educational Facilities—Pre-K–12 Schools—Systems to Commission
  • College and University Facilities—Systems to Commission
  • Municipal and State Buildings—Systems to Commission
  • Federal Buildings—Systems to Commission
  • Industrial Facilities—Systems to Commission
  • High-Rise Residential Buildings—Systems to Commission
  • Retail Buildings and Areas—Systems to Commission
  • Justice Buildings—Systems to Commission

You can also Read Handbook of Energy Systems in Green Buildings

Guide 2018 describes the type and scope of process and documentation that a commissioning stakeholder can reasonably expect during project application. It provides a brief description of the actions required from each stakeholder and a set of checklists to organize and monitor their progress within the commissioning process on a project. The guide also offers selected resources in the form of sample documents, guidelines, and links to outside sources to assist stakeholders in completing their roles. The checklists and sample documents in this guide can be used as starting points for organization, management, and approval of the commissioning process, for document development, and for review of project documents ultimately submitted.


ASHRAE Commissioning Stakeholders’ Guide 2018

Supplemental Files


ASHRAE Commissioning Stakeholders’ Guide 2018

Supplemental Files

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