Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes 4th Edition
Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes 4th Edition
Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes has become a classic solar engineering text and reference. This revised Fourth Edition offers current coverage of solar energy theory, systems design, and applications in different market sectors along with an emphasis on solar system design and analysis using simulations to help readers translate theory into practice.
An important resource for students of solar engineering, solar energy, and alternative energy as well as professionals working in the power and energy industry or related fields, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Fourth Edition features:
- Increased coverage of leading-edge topics such as photovoltaics and the design of solar cells and heaters
- A brand-new chapter on applying CombiSys (a ready made TRNSYS simulation program available for free download) to simulate a solar heated house with solar- heated domestic hot water
- Additional simulation problems available through a companion website
- An extensive array of homework problems and exercises
Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes 4th Edition Product details
- Hardcover: 936 pages
- Publisher: Wiley; 4 edition (April 15, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0470873663
- ISBN-13: 978-0470873663
- Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 1.3 x 9.5 inches
- Shipping Weight: 3.1 pounds
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Those familiar with the first edition will note some significant changes. The most
obvious is a reorganization of the material into three parts. Part I is on fundamentals, and
covers essentially the same materials (with many additions) as the first eleven chapters in
the first edition.
There have been significant scientific and technological developments. Better methods for calculating radiation on sloped surfaces and modeling stratified storage tanks. We have new methods for predicting the output of solar processes and new ideas on how solar heating systems can best be controlled. We have seen new large-scale applications of linear solar concentrators and salt-gradient ponds for power generation, widespread interest in and adoption of the principles of passive heating, development of low-flow liquid heating systems, and great advances in photovoltaic processes for conversion of solar to electrical energy.
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