ASM Handbook series
ASM Handbook series
The ASM Handbook series contains peer-reviewed, trusted information in every area of materials specialization. The series is the industry’s best known and most comprehensive source of information on ferrous and nonferrous metals and materials technology and is packed with over 35,000 pages of articles, illustrations, tables, graphs, specifications and practical examples for today’s engineer.
the Metals Handbook is also evolving. To be truly effective and valid as a reference work, each Edition of the Handbook must have its own identity. To merely repeat information, or to simply make superficial cosmetic changes, would be self-defeating. As such, utmost care and thought were brought to the task of planning the 10th Edition by both the ASM Handbook Committee and the Editorial Staff.
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ASM Handbook series Content![ASM Handbook series ASM Handbook series]()
- 1-Properties and Selection Iron Steel and High Performance Alloys
- 2-Properties and Selection; Non Ferrous Alloys and Special –Purpose Materials
- 3-Alloy Phase Diagrams
- 4-Heat Treating
- 4A-Steel Heat Treating Fundamentals and Processes
- 5-Surface Engineering
- 6-Welding, Brazing, Soldering
- 6A-Welding Fundamentals and Processes
- 7-Powder Metal Technologies and Applications
- 8-Mechanical Testing and Evaluation
- 9-Metalography and Microstructures
- 10-Materials Characterization
- 11-Failure Analysis and Prevention
- 12-Fractography
- 13A-Corrision Fundamentals, Testing and Protection
- 13B-Corrosion Materials
- 13C-Corrosion Environments and Industries
- 14-Forming and Forging
- 14A-Metalworking Bulk Forming
- 14B-Metalworking Sheet Forming
- 15-Castiong
- 16-Machining
- 17-Nondestiructiove Evaluation and Quality Control
- 18-Friction, Lubrication and Wear Technology
- 19-Fatigue and Fracture
- 20-Materials Selection and Design
- 21-Composites
- ASM Metals Handbook Desk Edition 2001
- ASM Metals-Heat Resistant Material
The Metals Handbook Desk Edition is intended to serve as a comprehensive single-volume reference source on the properties, selection, processing, testing, and characterization of metals and their alloys. Although the information presented in this Volume is drawn principally from the 20 volumes of the ASM Handbook series, it should not be considered simply an abridged version of the larger work. Instead, the Metals Handbook Desk Edition draws upon the complete arsenal of ASM products–both print and electronic–as well as other key sources of information originating from other publications, company literature, technical societies, and government agencies.
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