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ASHRAE Standard 15-2019 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems

ASHRAE Standard 15-2019 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems


The 2019 edition of ASHRAE Standard 15-2019 incorporates changes intended to ensure improvement in the safe design, construction, installation, and operation of refrigeration systems. Highlights include deferral to IIAR2 for R-717 ammonia systems (Addendum a); introduction of requirements specific to Low Global Warming Potential (Low GWP) A2L refrigerants (Addenda d and h); changes to restrictions for small, selfcontained systems with higher-flammability refrigerants (Addendum b); low-probability pumps (Addendum b); and requirements when changing the refrigerant (Addendum e). Additional changes are noted in Informative Appendix G.

Standard 15 is regularly updated through the continuous maintenance process, which allows additions and modifications based on feedback from users in accordance with ASHRAE’s ANSI-approved procedures. In addition to feedback from users, changes in the science originating from ASHRAE and industry research, as well as changes in refrigeration technology, necessitate the continuous maintenance approach. Instructions for how to submit a change can be found on the ASHRAE website at

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ASHRAE Standard 15-2019 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems Content:

  • ForewordASHRAE Standard 15-2019 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems
  • Purpose
  • Scope
  • Definitions
  • Occupancy Classification
  • Refrigerating System Classification
  • Refrigerant Safety Classification
  • Restrictions on Refrigerant Use
  • Installation Restrictions
  • Design and Construction of Equipment and Systems
  • Operation and Testing
  • General Requirements
  • Precedence with Conflicting Requirements
  • Listed Equipment
  • A: Informative References
  • B: Normative References
  • C: Method for Calculating Discharge Capacity of Positive Displacement Compressor Pressure Relief Device
  • D: Typical Moody Friction Factors for Use in Relief Piping Line Length Limit
  • E: Allowable Equivalent Length of Discharge Piping
  • F: Emergencies in Refrigerating Machinery Rooms
  • G: Addenda Description Information

ASHRAE Standard 15 is directed toward the safety of persons and property on or near the premises where refrigeration facilities are located. It includes specifications for fabrication of refrigerating systems but does not address the effects of refrigerant emissions on the environment.


ASHRAE Standard 15-2019 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems

ASHRAE Standard 15-2019 Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems

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