ANSI ASHRAE 154-2016 Ventilation for Commercial Cooking
ANSI ASHRAE 154-2016 Ventilation for Commercial Cooking
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ANSI ASHRAE 154-2016 Ventilation for Commercial Cooking
- Foreword
Purpose - Scope
- Definitions
- Exhaust Hoods
- Exhaust Systems
- Rep lacemen t Air
- System Con tro ls
- Adm in istration and Comp l iance
- References
- A: Examp les of Ai r Balancing
- B : Al ternative Ai rflow Calcu lation Method
- C : Hood Energy Savings Calcu lation
- D : Using ASHRAE S tandard 1 54 to Determ ine Hood Overhangs and Exhaust Ai rflows
- E : Informative Bibliography
Design plans for a facility with a commercial kitchen ventilation system shall include a table or diagram indicating the design outdoor air balance (see Informative Annex A, Section A1 ) . The design outdoor air balance shall indicate all exhaust and replacement air for the facility, plus the net exfiltration if applicable. The total replacement air airflow rate shall equal the total exhaust airflow rate plus the net exfiltration. It is permissible to supply replacement air to the kitchen space by using transfer air from areas other than the kitchen.
Operation of systems where airflows can vary (including but not limited to HVAC systems incorporating
variable air volume, systems with outdoor air economizer control, or exhaust systems with variable airflow) shall be controlled to comply with the requirements of this standard over the full range of anticipated airflows . Additional air balance diagrams or tables shall be provided as necessary to indicate compliance over the full range of anticipated airflow
ANSI ASHRAE 154-2016 Ventilation for Commercial Cooking
ANSI ASHRAE 154-2016 Ventilation for Commercial Cooking
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