Gas Turbine Design, Components and System Design Integration

Gas Turbine Design, Components and System Design Integration

Gas Turbine Design today are the integral parts of power generation, transportation, petrochemical and diverse industrial processing systems. Although the design and application of gas turbines in any of the above areas and their operational requirements are different, they share the same underlying physics. The physics of turbomachinery components and systems was discussed in details in the first and the second enhanced edition of my textbook, Turbomachinery Flow Physics and Dynamic Performance.

The Gas turbines are engines within which the chemical energy of the fuel is converted either into mechanical energy in terms of shaft power or into kinetic energy. Gas turbines that produce shaft power are power generation gas turbines. Gas turbines that convert the fuel energy into kinetic energy are used for generation of thrust to propel an aircraft. The conversion of fuel energy into shaft power or propulsive force, requires interaction of several components of the engine, within each of them a chain of energy conversion takes place.

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  • Preface to the First EditionGas Turbine Design, Components and System Design Integration
  • Table of Content
  • Nomenclature
  • Introduction, Gas Turbines, Applications, Types
  • Gas Turbine Thermodynamic Process
  • Thermo-Fluid Essentials for Gas Turbine Design
  • Theory of Turbomachinery Stages
  • Turbine and Compressor Cascade Flow Forces
  • Losses in Turbine and Compressor Cascades
  • Efficiency of Multi-Stage Turbomachines
  • Incidence and Deviation
  • Blade Design
  • Radial Equilibrium
  • Nonlinear Dynamic Simulation of Components and systems
  • Generic Modeling of Turbomachinery Components and Systems
  • Modeling of Inlet, Exhaust, and Pipe Systems
  • The Modeling of Recuperators, Combustion Chambers
  • Modeling the Compressor Component, Design and Off-Design
  • Turbine Aerodynamic Design and Off-design Performance
  • Gas Turbine Design, Preliminary Considerations
  • Simulation of Gas Turbine Engines
  • References


Gas Turbine Design, Components and System Design Integration

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