Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook 3rd Edition

Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook 3rd Edition

Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook 3rd Edition discusses the design, fabrication, installation, operation, and maintenance of gas turbines. The third edition is not only an updating of the technology in gas turbines, which has seen a great leap forward in the 2000s, but also a rewriting of various sections to better answer today’s problems in the design, fabrication, installation, operation, and maintenance of gas turbines.

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The third edition has added a new chapter that examines the case histories of gas turbines from deterioration of the performance of gas turbines to failures encountered in all the major components of the gas turbine. The chapter on Maintenance Techniques  completely rewritten and updated. The revised chapter deals with Long Term Service Agreements (LTSAs), and special maintenance tables added so that you can troubleshoot problems on gas turbines that you may encounter.

Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook 3rd Edition Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook

The book also provides the basic fluid mechanics and thermodynamics for the young engineering graduate or undergraduate student who  being exposed to the turbo-machinery field for the first time. The book is very useful as a textbook for undergraduate or graduate turbo-machinery courses as well as for in-house company training programs related to the petrochemical, power generation, and offshore industries.

The gas turbine is a power plant, which produces a great amount of energy for its size and weight. The gas turbine has found increasing service in the past 40 years in the power industry both among utilities and merchant plants as well as the petrochemical industry, and utilities throughout the world. Its compactness, low weight, and multiple fuel application make it a natural power plant for offshore platforms. Today there are gas turbines, which run on natural gas, diesel fuel, naphtha, methane, crude, low-Btu gases, vaporized fuel oils, and biomass gases.


Gas Turbine Engineering Handbook 3rd Edition

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