Pipeline Operation and Maintenance: A Practical Approach, Second Edition
Pipeline Operation and Maintenance: A Practical Approach, Second Edition
Pipeline Operation and Maintenance: A Practical Approach, provides comprehensive details on all matters related to operation and maintenance of gas and liquid pipeline systems. It is designed to impart know-how to operation and maintenance personnel while providing an in-depth coverage of the subjects that pipeline workers and pipeline engineers often face in the assessment of operation tasks and corrective techniques. It is designed to fill the gap from commissioning to the of pipeline systems, covering pipeline and facilities including metering, pumping, and compression as well as reliability assessments. The book provides an updated technique on liquid batched products pipelining , as well comprehensive techniques for welding and repairs. It provides a detailed reference material for the day-to-day use and/or to refresh the knowledge and thinking process in undertaking various operation and maintenance tasks. It is also intended to be a training tool.
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Second Edition Content
1. Elements of pipeline operation and maintenance
2. Operation and maintenance organization
3. Overview of pipeline system operation
4. Pipeline system maintenance
5. Valves & operators
6. Hydrocarbon measurement
7. Pump and compressor station operation
8. Pump and compressor station maintenance
9. System automation
10. Pipeline system operational reliability/availability assessment.
The content is based on the authors’ collective experience totaling some 100 years, augmented by technical research and other sources. The layout presents a historical background to pipeline system development and the organizational infrastructure requirements. In a logical way, it also describes pipeline systems’ operations and sequentially the steps involved in problem assessment of pipeline and appurtenances as well as the required ensuing maintenance works.
Pipeline reliability/availability assessment also presented in the book. This provides a rational step in assessing pipeline risks, reliability, and hence availability from a technical as well as business point of view.
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