Hydraulic Engineering Fundamental Concepts

Hydraulic Engineering Fundamental Concepts

Hydraulic Engineering Fundamental Concepts includes hydraulic processes with corresponding systems and devices. The hydraulic processes includes the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and pressurized pipe flow systems. This book illustrates the use of appropriate pipeline networks along with various devices like pumps, valves and turbines. The knowledge of these processes and devices is extended to design, analysis and implementation.

The units used in this textbook are both in the metric and in English units. This will enable the student get a better understanding of practical applications in the field. The reader of this textbook should have a basic understanding of algebra and calculus.

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Hydraulic Engineering Fundamental Concepts Table of contents :

1. Fundamental conceptsHydraulic Engineering Fundamental Concepts
2. General energy equation
3. Types of flow and loss due to friction
4. Minor losses
5. Series and parallel pipeline systems
6. Pumps and turbines
A. Properties of water
B. Properties of common liquids
C. Dimensions of steel pipe
D. Dimensions of type K copper tubing
E. Conversion factors

The objective of this book is to present the various applications of fluid mechanics in the form of hydraulic engineering systems. Primary emphasis is on fluid properties, flow systems, pipe networks, and pump selection. Its main purpose is to augment lecture courses and standard textbooks on fluid mechanics and hydraulic engineering by illustrating a wide array of exercise problems with solutions. This book is directed to anyone in an engineering field with the ability to apply the principles of hydraulic engineering and fluid mechanics.

All matter encountered on an everyday basis exists in one of three forms: solid, liquid, or gas. Generally, these forms are distinguished by the bonds between adjacent molecules (or atoms) that compose them. Thus, the molecules that make up a solid are relatively close together and are held in place by the electrostatic bonds between the molecules. Therefore, solids tend to keep their shape, even when acted on by an external force.


Hydraulic Engineering Fundamental Concepts

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