Chilled Water Plant Design Guide

Chilled Water Plant Design Guide

This Chilled Water Plant Design Guide is a design guide for chilled water plants. It identifies the target audience, describes the organization of the material, summarizes what is in each of the chapters, and offers guidance on how to use the document.

Many large buildings, campuses, and other facilities have plants that make chilled water and distribute it to air handling units and other cooling equipment. The design operation and maintenance of these chilled water plants has a very large impact on building energy use and energy operating cost.

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Not only do chilled water plants use very significant amounts of electricity (as well as gas in some cases), they also significantly contribute to the peak load of buildings. The utility grid in California, and in many other areas of the country, experiences its maximum peak on hot summer days. During this peak event, chilled water plants are often running at maximum capacity. When temperatures are moderate, chilled water plants are shut down or operated in stand-by mode. This variation in the rate of energy use is a major contributor to the peaks and valleys in energy demand, which is one of the problems that must  addressed by utility
grid managers.

Chilled Water Plant Design Guide Content

  • OverviewChilled Water Plant Design Guide
  • Chilled Water Plant Loads
  • Chilled Water Plant Equipment
  • Hydronic Distribution Systems
  • Controls and Instrumentation
  • Optimizing Design
  • Procurement
  • Start-up and Commissioning

Most buildings and facilities that have chilled water plants have special utility rates where the cost of electricity depends on when it is used and the maximum rate of use. For instance, PG&E has five time charge periods: summer on-peak, summer mid-peak, summer off-peak, winter mid-peak and winter off-peak. The price of electricity is several times higher during the summer on-peak than it is during the off-peak periods.


Chilled Water Plant Design Guide

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